We are recognized by the IRS as a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization, meaning that your gifts are tax deductible as the law allows.


Photo courtesy of www.specmousestudio.com


$1,020.00 Eagle Creek Elementary School Outdoor School
$1,110.00 Estacada Scholorship (EHS Boy & Girl)
$1,000.00 Ranger Wood
$1,575.00 Estacada Food Bank
$2,100.00 Artback - mural


$500 EACE July 4th Celebration
$550 Eagle Creek Elementary Outdoor School
$600 SAFACT-The Best Dry Run
$1,000 Timber Park sign repair
$250 Estacada Relay for Life sponsorship
$1,200 Summer Celebration
$5,000 Skate Park
$1,000 Estacada Food Bank and Adopt-A-Family


$250 Oregon Battle of the Books - Estacada Schools
$100 Estacada 4th of July
$1,160 Eagle Creek Elementary Outdoor School
$1,200 Summer Celebration Children’s Activities
$600 Donate2Educate Matching Funds
$500 Phillip Foster Farm – We Are Here
$50 Performing Arts Group of Estacada - Find Your Mark
$900 Todos Juntos Summer Youth Program
$1,000 Estacada Together Holiday Symphony Concert
$200 Support Our Troops Veteran’s Day celebration


$650 Performing Arts Group of Estacada winter theater production
$700 Summer Arts Celebration
$1,140 Eagle Creek elementary Outdoor School
$600 Donate 2 Educate matching funds
$700 Estacada Community 4th of July Celebration
$250 Performing Arts Group summer theater workshops
$1,190 Volunteers of America Whispering Pines Senior Center sound system
$1,000 Estacada Little League ball field development grant


$820 Eagle Creek Elementary School Outdoor School
$500 Estacada Junior High School Fun in Reading Program
$2,000 Estacada Together Oregon Symphony Holiday Program
$1,140 River Mill Elementary School Outdoor School

2008 Donate2Educate Program awards

$250 Eagle Creek Elementary School OMSI Outreach
$73 Estacada High School Books for the Library
$183 Estacada Junior High School Headphones for Computer Lab
$ 75 River Mill Elementary Class Organizer


$1,600 Estacada Together’s Chamber Concert by the Oregon Symphony String Quartet
$15,000 Wade Creek Park’s picnic pavilion
$1,000 Estacada Together’s Oregon Symphony Holiday Program
$100 Estacada Jr. High’s Yoga/Counseling for Teens
$500 River Mill Elementary Butterfly Garden
$960 Estacada Arts Commission’s Children’s Art Program at Summer Celebration
$250 City of Estacada Mayor’s Ball Sponsorship


$600 PRIDE Committee's Estacada highway sign project
$500 Wyeast Principals' Center


$810 Rivermill Elementary’s Outdoor School
$1000 Parent University's one day symposium
$100 Sponsorship of the Estacada Glowers Market
$500 Estacada Arts Commission’s Centennial Fountain Project
$500 Estacada Library's Teen Scene and summer workshops


$1950 Estacada Library Renaissance Fair and Teen Scene summer workshops
$1575 Estacada Family Resource Center’s remodeling


$2,000 Estacada Community Center freezer


$500 Artback Artists Co-operative


$750 Estacada High School “Congress 2001”
$1250 Solve Downtown Banner Committee
$500 Estacada Arts Commission’s Summer Celebration


$500 Estacada Arts Commission’s Winter Art Exhibit